Ted is a standard Yorkshire Terrier dog but I don't think he knows it. Sometimes he snorts like a pig. He loves little kids. When he hears a noise he says ARF! or WOOF!...but when we come home from work he says ROOROOROOROO...ROOROOROO..ROO! If he doesn't know you he might scare the crap out of you.
Dorky, Doofus, Ted the Dorky Yorkie, Dog-Boy, Hog-Boy, Fred, Freddie-Boy, Head-Hog, Hedgehog, Dipstick, Dipshit, Chit-Head, Chit-for-brains, Bird-Brain, Turd-Brain, Turdhead, Merlin, Jerry Garcia, Fluffy-Guy, Big-Male-Stud-Guy, Bad-Breath Guy, Cousin It, Wet-Nose Guy, Cat-Hairball, Wharf-Rat, Floppy-Guy, Flappy-Guy, Verdell, Hair-Bear-Bunch-Guy
Hi Folks! Welcome to my homepage. We will working on this page so check back soon for new pics and stuff. Here's a few more.I would also like to say that I love my masters Webdood, Sheila and Michael and I've never bit anyone...I swear.