ImagesTo put a GIF or JPG on your page use the following code:<center><img src=""></center>Use this code and you will see this result on your page:
To make the image a hotlink use this code:<center><a href="http://the URL you are linking to"><img src=""></a></center>To place your image to the right of your page use this code:<img src="http=://" align=right>You will get this result:
Unless you use the <center> or the align=right> attributes to your code, the image will automatically default to the left. Sometimes you will need the align=left> code but not often. You can use "align=left>" to center an image or table to the left of a list or column of text. It works the same as align=right>You can also use width and height attributes to your code...Like This:<img src="" width=200 height=200>You'll get this result:
Or change the number of pixels in width and height like this<img src="" width=50 height=100>You'll get this result:
Or this...
400x100Play with the numbers to get the desired effect.Let's put a border around the image! It's easy, just add the border attribute to your code like this:<center><img src="" border=15></center>You will see this result:
Make the border=15> as wide or as narrow as you like.Different background colors and images determine how your border looks. When you get to my Tables page you will learn to use "color" borders and lining-up images, text & links.Top of Page