
Use marquees anywhere within the <body></body> tag. Also, keep in mind that page-loading time increases when using marquees and the marquee's speed slows down when using more than one marquee at a time.
(Like I have on this page).

Here is a basic marquee..

Scrolling text

To make this one, use the code below:

<marquee>Your text goes here</marquee>

Put a background color on it like this..

Like it?

Here is the code:

<marquee bgcolor=darkblue><font color=gold>Like it?</font></marquee>

This marquee moves from left to right.

Scroll right

To make this marquee, use the following code:

<marquee direction=right>Your text here</marquee>

This marquee bounces back and forth

Cool, Huh?

To do this, use the code below:

<marquee behavior=alternate>Your text here</marquee>

Wanna speed it up or slow it down?

Faster words

To do this, use this code. You can change the scrollamount for a faster or slower speed.

<marquee scrollamount=20>Your text here</marquee>

Look at this one..

Check it out!

To do this, use the code below. You can change the scrollamount and scrolldelay to get the effect you want.

<marquee scrollamount=300 scrolldelay=400>Your text here</marquee>

The words are coming from the middle..


To do this, use this code:

<marquee direction=left width=50%>Your text here</marquee><marquee direction=right width=50%>Your text here</marquee>

Or use just part of the code to put a marquee in the center portion of your page.

Like this:


To do this use the code below:

<center><marquee direction=right width=30%>Your text here</marquee></center>

This one will come from the right and stop at the left.

Sliding...It'll stop at the left.

To do this one use the code below:

<marquee behavior=slide>Your text here.</marquee>

Play around with attributes such as font color, bgcolor, width, scrollamount, scrolldelay etc. There are hundreds of marquee styles.

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