Background images come in two formats,GIF and JPG. The main difference between the two is that GIF's can be a
still or an animated image. JPG's
(JPEG's) are never animated but can be a still
picture or background. Both have URL's that end in .gif or .jpg.To put a background color
or image on your page you will use the following codes
within the body tag of
your page.For Background
Color:<body bgcolor=whatever
color>For Background
Image:<body background="http://URL of image here">If you would like your background image to scroll across your page use the xspeed or yspeed attributes to your background code like
this:<body background="http://URL of image here" xspeed=whatever number
here>Try using xspeed=10> for this
effect.Or try using yspeed=10> for this
effect.Or use both codes:xspeed=5 yspeed=3> for this
effect.Note: Scrolling backgrounds will
increase page-loading
time.Spaces and quotation marks are important when linking to a URL.(Uniform Resource
Locator.) The image will not appear unless BOTH
quotation marks " " are in place. Any mistakes in
your code and the background will not
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